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Your readings have been so supportive to me as I navigate some big changes in my relationships.  You identified a man coming into my life who is my twin flame. He doesn't necessarily believe in the metaphysical, but he has been demonstrating his own abilities and I can see it in him because you have identified what it would look like. After a year of messaging and calls, we finally came together last month for a 2 week visit to reconnect in real time. You said that our spiritual abilities would grow in each of us as we came together and I do see it happening especially after our time together. During our trip I brought a candle to burn at the start as a symbol. A funny thing happened and the wick curled and split, burning as a twin flame. Thank you spirit. Yesterday, two weeks after we left each other, I was recounting my trip (with my twin flame) to a very close friend who is rather magical herself. As soon as I finished the call with her, I received a message from him telling me he had the strongest feeling of love for me come over him. As he sent that I had been typing at the same time telling him I had a great conversation with my friend who knows about us. I pointed out undeniably that he was feeling what I felt. I think he is starting to see it now. To the point that today, we just spoke and he told me he believes that we are the same soul in two different bodies. He thought this revelation would freak me out! It doesn't, it only confirms what you have said about him learning the nature of our connection and my teaching him about it. It does blow me away in a good way. So after he shared that and he acknowledged the transference of my emotions he felt yesterday, I told him there is a term for what he describes, the twin flame connection, and didn't say too much more. All I can say Victoria is thank you so much for your guidance through the readings this far. You are so incredibly perceptive and blessed with this beautiful gift that you share to support others.  I am so grateful to have been enlightened about my situation with my twin flame. My apologies for the long message. I am just moved so deeply how spirit is working and wanted to give thanks to your work. With warmest blessings, 




I must thank you again for a very uplifting reading! I'm very grateful
to you for holding me back from making a snap decision i.e. from running
away again. I shall heed your advice and work on the communication issues in our
relationship rather than giving up. It is comforting to know that it is worth making an effort and that happier times are ahead. Thank you also for all the other information (trick included ;)) concerning the rest of the family. I look forward to the next reading...Take good care and keep well. Many good wishes




Hi Victoria. Huge thanks to you once again for my psychic telephone reading yesterday. Your guidance and insight is massively helpful and reassuring. You truly are an angel and I am so very thankful. 




Hi Victoria  A big thank you for my telephone reading yesterday. I always feel a sense of calm after talking with you. I'm sure I'll be in touch again but for now, thank you so much.




Hi Victoria. Thank you for taking the time to read for us. It's always nice talking to you and your advice always guides us to the right track. Thank you for everything and have a lovely day!




Victoria, you are a super special soul in my life, one that I cherish and have a lot of respect for. You have supported me and guided me. I will always be grateful to you and for you.




Good morning Victoria, hope your well. I felt drawn to book this reading with you, your number popped up on my messages feed randomly when I was messaging someone else and so I went with my intuition. Your the only medium/psychic I would spend my money on as you have always been consistently accurate these past few years from health, pregnancy matters etc you have always been spot on, even with my mum`s dog. Sadly, **** passed away before I got to meet him but it hasn`t knocked how spot on you are with things as I believe within myself someone up there just didn`t want us to meet in person and I don`t know anyone could have predicted. I know we had a soul connection due to a past life like you stated in a previous reading I think (hopefully I remembered correctly) but maybe that`s why we wasn`t destined to meet as past lives shouldn`t always mix with our current. Out of all the predictions you gave me, seeing **** is the only one that weren`t meant to be but the other 8 came through so I never doubted your accuracy. It is just a sad lesson I had to learn with him passing away.



Dear Victoria , It’s been a long time and I wanted to reach out to you I still remember a lot of what you said in my past readings with yourself, as I truly felt your words and advice around various situations and scenarios you were seeing were most helpful and wise. I always felt you had influence in bringing about a positive change and effect in different situations and from what I remember, I know this to be the case. Of all people I have come to know in life, I am of the opinion that you are one of the very few who has vast knowledge/awareness about spirituality, the spirit world, the soul and life in general. Ergo I feel your input and guidance is something I greatly need in my life to help me deal with and navigate through some situations I currently find myself in. I do believe that my life is quite complicated at times and I’m not sure if it’s down to me not learning my lessons or whether my soul contract is generally quite a challenging one. I’d therefore be very grateful to work with you again so I can gain further clarity in areas around my life and be helped to make sense of what is going on, and make informed decisions and navigate through them as well as can be. 




Hello Victoria. I just wanted to thank you again for your call, I really love speaking to you. I also wanted to make you aware that something you mentioned has already happened. You said that there would be work on my boiler. Well, within an hour, I had a letter informing me that there would be a maintenance check on it in a couple of weeks time! You're amazing.




I came for a solution to my problems and I found it with you. Your answers set the course of the next direction in my future too.




Hi Victoria, I have been thinking about you and all that you have told me. Things are progressing slowly and I keep playing back what you have told me. It reassures me (and teaches me patience). Your words keep me happy and positive. 

I wanted to thank you for your kind words and reassurances. I was thinking of you and wanted to drop you a note and hope that you are staying well and healthy. 




I thank you so much Victoria for being the person you are. You will be my advisor forever. Take care and be safe.




Hello again Vicky, Thank you once again for a wonderful reading and for the detailed answers to all of my questions. As always, you managed to put my
"buzzing" mind at rest and to restore a positive outlook on life. I
really value your insight, guidance and reassurance. It's so comforting
to know that you are there!




Hi Vic just wanted to update you. *** has a job now, started last week. Was a delay in starting as had to wait for training so that fits in with your timelines. So far so good. Thank you for your accurate readings.




Thank you always for all of the excellent advice and insight you give to me each time we talk. I will be a repeat customer for life.




My heart is full of gratitude for your insight, guidance, and support. Thank you! 




Vic i just want to thank you for reading for me. It must be 12 years now since i first contacted you. Ive always believed you were sent to me for a reason. When i was so desperate for answers you gave them me. Which in time all showed to be true. Thank you for the messages you pass on from my parent's they are the biggest comfort and reassurance i could wish for. Never stop doing what you do Vic. You have such a special gift that has helped me and others more than you know. 




Hi Victoria,  A huge thank you for my reading on Friday. I feel so relieved after talking to you, as always your readings give me so much clarity and reassurance, which is what I need when life gets a little overwhelming. Take care and thank you again, you are very gifted and a truly lovely lady. Kindest regards 




Hi Victoria, I just wanted to thank you so much for the session yesterday.

Not only were you able to accurately pinpoint so many details about my dear ****, you were able to give me much needed advice and reassurance about her and our upcoming move.I felt incredibly moved, almost to tears, hearing some of the things you said. I am so thankful to you for all the insight you have given me on **** and how I can be an even better fur parent to her. I am so grateful to have come across you and your gifts. I will definitely be booking your services again soon!

Thank you again so much!




Dear Victoria, Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, I enjoyed every word of your email reading and felt super connected with my visions and your reading. Thank you! All the best.




Hi Vic, Mum really wants me to emphasise to you how very positive she is feeling after speaking to you today. She feels so very positive and so very grateful to you, that 'thank you' is inadequate to express the magnitude of her gratitude! Speaking to you really has been like sunshine through what felt like a very dark cloud.




Hello Vicky, I just wish to thank you again for your support and guidance. It's so
comforting and reassuring to know, via your insight, that I'm on the right path in life and in my relationship.



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