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My dear Victoria, I have just received your ecard and it made me smile, how thoughtful of you. You have been in my thoughts a lot. Thank you for ever being such a wonderful person, always helping others, always been there in every situation of my life. We have shared everything and you've been involved in my life so much. I'm truly grateful to have met you. Best wishes to you and your family xxx Much love and all the best.




Hi Victoria, Thank you SO much for the reading, I wasn't expecting such a lengthy response and some things you said really stuck out to me.I liked all the information on laws and giving things time to unfold, that is so true and I must remember this. Best wishes.




hey v! I just wanted to thank you again for your reading! still after all these years speaking- I'm still so in awe of ur special gift! you truly are a very special person an I'm so happy I found you years ago. thanks again, merry Christmas!!




Dear Victoria, I met you for a reading in Singapore 3 weeks ago. I don't know if you remember me as I know you met a lot of people while in Singapore. I just wanted to drop a short note to say that I hope you enjoyed your stay in Singapore and that you found some time to explore the city. I am very grateful for your encouraging and insightful words and advice. You were spot on about my office environment. Please come again to Singapore.




Hi Victoria, Thank you so much for the reading. I had goose bumps while reading it and had tears in my eyes. You have confirmed what I suspected It's a shock but also a wonderful surprise.




Victoria, thank you so much for sending through your reading it was quite wonderful to read, i feel somewhat uplifted and feel that no matter what we are on a journey that will end up with us together, thank you so much, i will be in touch again




Dear Victoria, I saw you twice . I'm very glad to know you and will miss you very much because you are a very nice and humble lady Thank you for your reading and advise I'm glad through your reading and advise to keep calm. Sad that you and your husband don't have the time to have dinner with me. Happy trip home and will meet again soon




Hi Victoria, I can honestly say you are the best and you give such depth and accuracy in your readings that is just amazes me. I recommend you to everyone and you truly have a gift. I look forward to speaking with you!




Dear Victoria, A quick note to say it was lovely to meet you yesterday, and many thanks for the information, advice and inspiration you provided me with Enjoy the rest of your stay in Singapore. Look forward to seeing you on your next visit - I am pretty sure you will be back! :)




Dear Victoria, you are the kindest, politest and most considerate psychic I have ever met. I love that you were able to pick up so many things about me the moment you saw me and shook my hand. I'm still surprised at the particular talent you told me that I had, but I'm looking forward to see how it develops. And I love your talent for seeing into the future! and you actually picked up the name of a man that you said would guide me in my spiritual growth! I am keeping faith in your advice that the synchronicities will play out for me to meet this person. And I'll update you for sure if this happens! You're really such a gifted psychic and I thoroughly enjoyed your reading. I can't wait to see what transpires in the next 18 months! In love and light




Hi Victoria, It was so wonderful to connect with you and have you connect with my guides and share your channelled insights. Truly enjoyed our connection and the things you shared resonated with me.?A deep thanks for your guidance and encouragement on my own journey of love and light. I do hope you can help support my personal growth and ignite my connection with my guides and ascended masters. I welcome them into my life with open, tingling hands ;) and await their abundance and wisdom so i can give back tenfold. Regardless I look forward to seeing you again in Singapore or perhaps on our personal retreat to Egypt. Am blessed to have met you. May you be blessed with love and light always.




I had a wonderful session with Psychic Victoria this evening She has such a beautiful energy about her and is so warm, wise and kind. She guessed my deepest fear without me raising it up. Truly impressive! She helped put my heart at ease and I'm looking forward to see how things pan out next year.




Dearest Victoria, It's me again! No words can describe my feelings of deep gratitude to you for your kind guidance. So please know it is not just a simple "thank you" I am saying - it is much much more than that! Have fun!

Tai Lim



Hi Victoria, Just wanted to thank you for your recent reading and say that you're a very clever lady. Fluffy has just come back from the vets and as you rightly thought has plaque (and gingivitis) on his back teeth! Very impressed!




Thanks for being there along the way for us both. I truly know you have an amazing gift and still struggle to get my head around it at times!! I could never doubt you - you've been spot on so many times and I really hope we'll have the chance to meet one day. I hope you have a really wonderful trip - it sounds amazing. With love from us both?




Thank you Victoria and Michael for such a detailed reading it really has helped me. You are amazing, again thank you so much. I will keep you updated to how things develop overtime.




Thanks so much Vic - you always put my mind at rest.Please know I'd never choose to speak to anyone else - I think you're truly amazing xx




Hello Victoria , Thank you very much for my reading with you today. It was very powerful and insightful. Your gift is amazing thank you to your guide for being honest and blunt [love it].




Dear Victoria , I just would like to take this opportunity to say Thank you for 4 wonderful years for knowing you and our readings . I was just looking at my calendar and I can't believe it's been four years well this year counts as being the fourth year but knowing you feels like just yesterday . I was in a difficult state did not know which way to turn but finding your website I was so drawn that it was almost like a magnet pulling me towards it . Then came my first reading with you I was really nervous and scared because I did not know what to expect but then you came across so warm , gentle and loving and explained everything so well. So all in all Victoria you have helped me so much and still continue to do so and I Thank you from the bottom of my heart o really appreciate everything you and Michael do for me and my mother . You are like a rare gem give so much of your time to help incredibly dedicated individual with a heart of gold and I'm so lucky you have entered my life . Thank you and God bless you Victoria x




Hi Victoria, I just wanted to thank you for the telephone reading I had with you yesterday. It helped me a lot and put my mind at rest for a better future. I don't know how you know what you do, but you are one amazing lady and I feel that you have become a friend. Thank you so much Victoria again, and I will keep you informed of how things turn out.




Thank you Victoria- insightful, informative and spot on as ever :-) your words have bought me great comfort and relief that I'm still on the right path as its been feeling like I've totally lost my way lately. Love and light xxx




Thank you so much for my reading! You never seize to amaze me. You still made me cry but with happiness this year instead of sadness




Oh thank you Soo much v!! That is Sooo truly comforting to know... It truly has made me so happy to read an now know all of what u so kindly told me. I just told my mum an she told me she actually dreamt last night my dog was with her sister who passed when she was little an she never had a pet! How amazing!! An how lovely. U r amazing, and U have honestly made me so happy, I miss her an love her, but that sadness has lessened so much in safe knowing this. I was so lucky to have her for... For she was the best dog/best friend. To know she knows we all love her. That's all I needed. I can never thank you enough for it all. Speak soon, Thank u again xxxx




Thank you so much for the telephone reading this morning Victoria. You truly are a very insightful and gifted lady! :) I don't think you realise that your readings have helped me so much this past year; to help me understand the emotional pain/troubles. Your insight into a person's soul is truly amazing!




I love you, Your my number one




At the moment I am going through a time of great change and needed some guidance. Victoria was recommended to me by an old friend who does not normally recommend anyone. I was completely astounded by the insight and the accuracy of what Victoria told me, and it was without any doubt the best phone reading I have ever had, actually it was the best reading of any kind i have ever had. She picked up immediately and accurately on my current situation and where it was all leading to and also all the people in and around my life currently as well as past and future. I did not tell her anything at all at all about me or what my situation is, all she had was my name. Victoria is the most amazingly gifted lady.




Hello Victoria, I don't believe it was coincidence I believe I was guided to you. And you provide a gift of guidance that is invaluable with divine clarity, authentic truth and honesty. And I look forward to what the future brings with excitement and a sense of surrender of the unknown. I truly believe a new cycle is imminent and on the cusp of beginning and I am so grateful that you are here to share it and to provide guidance throughout. Thank you.




What would I do without you Victoria! Your messages always lift me up and makes me think into how to get better. Honestly thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You're a wonderful friend and I really treasure your work. Always putting up with my lows and my doubts and your predictions always come out true. Thank you.




Hey Vic just wanted to give you a little catch up on my life, went down to London to watch a football game last month, and guess what... The first place we ended up was Victoria station :) I instantly knew this was a major sign btw! Anyway ... you were pretty much right about everything, so crazy honestly. It felt weird to be thinking 'wow, a year ago I was in bed crying waiting for Victoria's reply' :) lol. Thanks for being there




Dear Victoria, I am writing to tell you that it has been a full year since I had my first reading with you and so far I have enjoyed 3 readings. I am very pleased and feel that you are a very talented lady, you have helped me more than you know to overcome fears and stresses in my life, I wouldn't choose a different method after speaking with you many occasions you have put my mind at rest. You are very honest and tell it how it is. You know things that no one else knows. You have a real gift. You said in my second reading that my soul mate was coming in before I even knew him, you knew things about him, you read for me in June. You said that he was unsettled where he lived and was going to move in with me, that it was all fast but it's right and I wouldn't make mistakes. You said that he was just there! Well I met him in a bar in November and as soon as I saw him I thought I knew him, Things did move quickly and he was very unsettled where he lived, you said he couldn't be with me all of the time and that is true he works away throughout the week. You also said he's using a computer source to connect with me...... Always facetimes me hahaha! You said that things always aren't so easy, no relationship is perfect but that we will work through everything. My latest reading for me was emotional because I have fears and you helped me to be strong and see past my fears, you reassured me and gave me the advice I needed. I am so grateful and I have recommended you to everyone I trust would respect your talent. Lastly, you warned me about a nuisance causing trouble trying to come back and stirring things up and the very next day this person was trying to stir up trouble! I couldn't believe how right you were on that one and it was so unexpected! You are a very very special lady! I am completely blown away by how amazing you are! I could write so much more but try to keep it short and sweet. I look forward to our next reading! Bestest wishes Victoria! All my love




Hello Victoria ,I hope you are ok and well. I just wanted to send my heartfelt wishes to you on this special Mother's Day. Since I have known you and have readings with you, you are like my second mother and always hold a special place in my heart. I hope you have a wonderful day Victoria. Here's a mothers card just for you. God bless you :) xxxxx




Dear Victoria, I just thought I would let you know that I found out what the Budgy was on our last reading. You were right! It was from my mum's childhood. She had a pet budgy when she lived in Australia for a while as a little girl. Also, the way you described the home of where we picked up our dog was uncanny! Again, you were right as you said not to be put of by the surroundings...turns out it was a Travellers settlement! You also mentioned a puppy with a poorly eye...I saw it there! And you said our dog would run straight up to us. You kept mentioning it was a "he" even though we desperately wanted a girl. Well....HE came running straight up to us first! So, we chose him :) You never fail to amaze me! Hope you are well, lovely Victoria. Sending you lots of love,




Dear Victoria, Thank you so much for your phone reading today, I always write everything down about our readings and it helps me to reflect and as reminders. You helped a lot as I've been and I am feeling down. Your words always encourage me to keep going with what I'm doing, and if it wasn't for you I would struggle to motivate myself. I am so grateful to have you as my friend and in my life. Once again I honestly feel deeply connected with you and how much you understand me




Thank you for today Vic you actually helped me more than you know and taught me a huge huge lesson today! I love your readings because your honest & blunt and you make me learn about myself warts n all!! I can be very ugly at times!! Sorry for being like that .. I'm working on it. I always try to be a better person after speaking to you, you have this crazy positive truth effect on me (I'm sure all the others you read for will agree on this), your strong but never make us feel beaten down, your gentle but not a pushover, you're a friend but have boundaries, you're a 100% professional true real no bullshit genuine real authentic once in a lifetime psychic... I adore all of these qualities about you! I ask you questions, you never judge me. You are patient, you always go over time .. You never charge extra. You just give & give .. & give! Today was personally, very different for me, after my accurate reading (as per) I put the phone down and thought to myself (cringing inside to be honest) the questions I was asking you were actually unethical and I felt really embarrassed inside (sorry) ..You never judged me and you explained things to me in a way that made me really understand. That is a skill in itself and I questioned me as a person today and the way that I have done & do things ..It's enlightening! And yet you were just doing what you do ., it's so grounding! I have come away feeling like I really really want to really be a good honest person. And try every day to be that person. I'm Far from it right now. I want to change. I would never have seen this.. It's taken me time but I've come along way, you have given me my life back, & after years I actually laughed out loud today. You are clever educational divine and ethical I'm so privileged & proud to have you as an angel rock and friend. You are an insight of heaven on earth! For those of you who have never had a reading before.. Get ready to be gobsmacked people!!.. You will be!!?For those of you who know how Vic works .. We're very lucky, she's very special isn't she :) Thank you Vic & Michael .. More than you know. I wish you all the happiness you give out, and send out, to all those you connect with, back to you beyond eternity & threefold .. Even that I feel does not justify the worth's of you both :)You're priceless XX




Hi. Victoria, I feel compelled to write to you and hope you don't mind. Firstly, I cannot believe how accurate your reading was on most of what you said and my head is still buzzing from the experience. You mentioned about a black and white dog which I was not aware of or had forgotten but have just found out there was a black and white dog called Rover. I can go on and on about all of the things you said that were true which have left me totally amazed.




Hi Victoria. I had several readings with you last year, I'd just like to thank you for the readings you gave me because you were spot on with what you told me, even to what was viewed on the computer! You told me he would return before 1st Jan and he did! On numerous occasions you went over time and I can see that what you do is not about the money, it's about helping people and putting their minds at rest. I had the worst 2014, but you helped me and I could see there was light at the end of the tunnel. You are absolutely amazing at what you do and I will not hesitate to contact you again should I need some help and guidance.




Hi Victoria ,Just a quick email to let you know I got to see some movement over the weekend. So you were right! (And it happened a lot quicker than I thought it would this month!) Hopefully now we can build from this. Delighted!!




Thank you so much for all your help and guidance and for sharing your beautiful and unique gift.




Dearest Vic & M, You are the most inspiring and real person I've ever met. You & M are the perfect team in unison. I have known you for years now and every reading has been jaw droopingly insightful and accurate beyond any comprehension. You're the light at the end of the tunnel for so many including me & my friends & family - and those who have experienced you & your light will know what I'm saying! I can't thank you enough for the wisdom and honesty and insight into my life that you give me, I feel blessed to know you. Your the flowers sun moon and summer with a splash of ocean and stars, covered with lashing of Love! It's hard to put you into words because you're a beautiful enigma full of the wisdom of eternity. Saying Thank you to you just doesn't ever cut it. Your priceless to me and I'm grateful and appreciate you every day. With love always




I love you! You're such a wonderful woman full of inspiration. You truly know everything and know me inside and out. I know you have a lot of clients, otherwise I would have stayed on the phone all day speaking to you, I wanted to know so much about you too. I feel a great connection with you. Thank you so much Victoria. You also sound amazing and I really like your accent! Will speak to you soon.




Hi! I had a reading with you last year and everything you said was completely spot on and your predictions have happened. I'm so happy :-) your brilliant




I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your readings, so far I have been back for phone readings twice now and find you to be mind boggling. There has been so much information that I have collected pages of notes. You have confirmed the biggest belief in me that there is more to life than meets the eye, every word you said was complete truth and I cannot believe you knew all that you did without a single prompt from me. You are so very accurate and so I have to tell you that you were right, you saw perfectly the sex of my baby before I did including his dark hair, what really shocked me though was you did hear clearly a woman offering the name Luke for my child, it was in fact my own Mother, and happened just last weekend. Your very special Victoria, and people need to know about you which is why I am telling everyone to book with you to experience your wonderful gift too.




Good morning Victoria, Over time I have began to trust the guidance I receive from spirit guides. Many a times I have been anxious with the guidance I have received. And many a times my mind was clouded with doubt. I'm now embracing this amazing gift, and will continue to build a relationship with my guides. As I follow and live my journey. I wanted to write you an email to thank you from the depth of my being for the beautiful insight you have given me over the duration of the past months. Many a times you were my sole confidante as I tried to understand the many changes I encountered and continue to encounter. I wanted to send you love and gratitude for your gift to me. You are hold such a beautiful spirit, and I am truly honoured and grateful to have connected with you. I wish you a continued abundance of happiness and love.




I have found Victoria to be a talented and skilled psychic medium and healer. Her work is consistent and accurate and her deep knowledge has helped me to focus and uncover my purpose in life. This has enabled me to release my deep psychological blockages and issues that have held me back throughout my life. She has opened me up to a whole new world of awareness and continues to do so. I have gained clarity, confidence as well as emotional strength I am forever grateful and continue to be in awe of the knowledge and wisdom she offers.



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