International Psychic Medium

01233 503400 Uniting Life and After....Life 07533 860024
I am in the fortunate position to be in receipt of EVP(Electronic Voice Phenomena) recordings by Victoria which in my opinion you can hear the unmistakable voice of Michael Jackson. Before listening to the EVP’s I had no idea what I was going to hear……if anything. I was amazed to find so much and it would appear that Michael is trying to reach the world to tell his story. Below I have added files, one file originates from the RAW files that I received from Victoria. With the rest of the files I have cut at points where I’ve heard Michael’s voice. During the clips below, I believe Michael is present throughout the RAW file. Listen to the clips by pressing the play button.
Please be aware due to the Nature of EVP’s please be careful when opening as sometimes the white noise and static can be disturbing and loud.
I am in no doubt in what I have heard and who is trying to connect with us.
Enjoy ~ Stuart Aikman