International Psychic Medium

01233 503400 Uniting Life and After....Life 07533 860024
Statement of Ethics
As a psychic that values integrity and honesty, I make the following promises to you, my client…
I will not falsely advertise my services.
I will make sure my rates are clearly stated.
I will avoid allowing you, my client, to ever become dependent upon my services. Instead I will help empower you to make your own choices.
I am a keeper of secrets, and ensure client confidentiality is protected at all time.
I will take care of myself personally so that I am able to give you complete and effective psychic readings every time. I will always use my abilities wisely and for the greater good of all, to practice my abilities at all times with ethical and moral values.
I will never use my abilities for ego, or personal power and will always strive to receive and deliver all information in truth and integrity and always use the power of positive intention and positive thought in order to find the positive in all situations. I vow to use my ability to service for all of my life.
Your satisfaction is the most important thing to me.