International Psychic Medium

01233 503400 Uniting Life and After....Life 07533 860024
VG , Nearly ten years ago I was at quite a low ebb. I rang a psychic line for some guidance, I was put in touch with Victoria. She told me several things and I was amazed by her accuracy. Victoria told me that I was psychic and that I could do similar to her. I argued, ha, did I argue. Slowly over the last ten years I've developed as a person, I've changed. Believe it or not I'm a psychic medium in my own right. I owe her a great debt of gratitude she was right no matter how much I fought it.
You were spot on when you did my reading, you said that my special person would get in touch with me towards the end of September. He did contact me through text messaging. You were right too that he responded quickly without delay. He did ask to meet but I held off as I was not up to meeting him. It is strange that the thing I have looked forward for so long and yet when it happens, I find myself reluctant and ironically delaying the meeting. I want to see him but do not want to see him at the same time. Thank you so much for giving me the much needed assurance and your expertise. I am immensely grateful for your invaluable help.
Victoria, I want to share with you how amazing I feel since our reading, I do not think that I have felt so free and light since the day that my PawPaw left me. It is amazing that you were able to share with me what you did, and that it could help me so much with closure. I have been to therapy several times and it never ever worked, but you did. I am so grateful to you, I believe that people cross paths for a reason, and I know that me finding you was what my heart needed. I just want to send this encouraging email so that you never get down, or stop helping people and for you to always remember how special you are in my heart, and in others hearts too.
Good evening Victoria, I am just sending you a quick email to first off say thank you for today... I was really not doing so well up until I spoke with you, and you immediately brought me peace. You and you're gift mean so much to me. I also feel I really need to just let you know that what you said will happen, did happen, tonight! (Not that I'm surprised) but exactly how you said! In the early evening, You and Michael make the best team, please never stop what you do because it is life changing.
WE need you, for people like me you are the BEACON OF HOPE. We will be lost without you and will pray that you always be blessed with the best in health :)
Hi Victoria, I feel like I needed to send you a message to let you know that I saw that you updated your website and that it has blown me away. I have always known you and your guide share a special connection but never wanted to directly bring this up to you in our conversations. I have always been fascinated by how you work together but wanted to keep respectful of this . Last night I read your stories until the early hours , and I just feel compelled to let you know I'm so grateful that you feel you are now able to share them, as I'm sure are many others. I know this is partly quite the random message, but I want to not only thank you, but also Michael for the help and vision of truth you have both given me over the years and still to this day. I feel extremely fortunate to have you both guiding me through my life and truly believe I'd never be blessed with truer insight elsewhere. I look forward to our next reading.
Hello Vicky, Thank you very much for your very long and detailed e-mail reading. As always, everything you wrote is spot on! You have reassured me no end, and you have picked up on my anxiety, my fears and my impatience which I know I must overcome in order to fully appreciate all the luck and happiness I have in my life. I am very grateful for all your guidance and support.
Hi Vic, I cannot thank you enough for your email reading. I am shocked at the length of it, as I was not expecting such an in depth reading, or on a such a deep soul level. It had a very different vibe to our usual phone readings which was lovely. I really do "feel" the messages contained within my reading, and they have resonated with me deeply. Take care and speak soon,
Dear Victoria, Your reading back in August of last year left me pretty shocked and speechless, because I couldn't see then how what you told me could possibly happen. I just want you to know that the process you revealed is actually happening right now, and that you were absolutely spot on with your prediction. In some ways I didn't want to hear what you told me, but you were adamant that things would change dramatically, and that my own Guide was telling you that there were 'other plans' for me! I now have your words ringing in my ears because you could, without any doubt, see exactly what lay ahead for me. You are amazing! Love and Blessings.
I've known Vic for about 4 years now and she never fails to blow me away with her accuracy. Timing can sometimes be off but what she says comes to pass. She's a lovely lady and I enjoy talking with her on the phone. We do have a giggle, but she has been through some of the toughest moments of my life with me and she's always been one of the people I can turn too. She's always there and I consider her a friend now. Honestly if you have a reading with Vic and Michael you will be just as blown away as I am. I have so much respect for them. Vic is very generous with her time and there has been many occasions where our reading has gone past paid time and she will still talk if things need to be said. I'm going through hard times at the moment. I sometimes think she must get annoyed with me talking about the same thing but she never gets annoyed and has so much patience it's beyond me... I couldn't do it. Anyway this testimonial is very much overdue and I'm sorry it's taken this long Vic. Thank you so much for being great!
Well where on earth do I start... I first found Victoria when I was at a very unsteady point in my life 4 years ago, and she gave me the answers and guidance I so badly needed. She was like a ray of light for me and brought so much clarity to my situations and still continues to do so to this day. She is very direct to the point and does so with such empathy. I have had many other readings over the years but none have a patch on Vic, she is a rare find and absolutely astonishes me with her ability to link in with spirit the way she does. So I would like to say thank you Victoria for all you're help and guidance you've brought to me, you truly are incredible and I look forward to our future readings.
Hi Victoria, I would just like to thank you for my email reading. As usual, you never fail to amaze me with what you tell me and I can't believe you described my husband and daughters perfectly, as though you know them. I don't know how you do it!
You, my dear, are a wonderful woman and if it was not for speaking to you I would have given up a long time ago and not pursued things, but your constant reassurances outlining that it will happen spurred me on. I know I am one of many people who think of you as their friend and I feel very lucky to have you in my life.