International Psychic Medium
01233 503400 Uniting Life and After....Life 07533 860024
Signs from my Guide.
"Those we love do not go away,
They walk beside us every day."
The space between life and death is so much thinner than you may think it is, and if you believe beyond what your eyes can see.... then signs can show up to remind you that love can never die.
They can be subtle little messages that you can see each day, as your loved ones can `hear` your thoughts and want to let you know that they are okay and that you are loved and they are watching over you.
Hear are just a very small number of signs from my spirit buddy that I have collected over the years.
I do not always get the opportunity to ask for any signs, because in the quiet moments of my life when I am not reading for people, he is always around and leaves them for me to see.
As a rule, he also likes to leave signs for clients, mostly heart shapes that show up in funny places.
If you would like to see signs from your loved ones, the easiest way to receive them is to simply ask, either silently in your mind or perhaps out loud in the air.
You can even write your thoughts, words and feelings in a journal, as these intentions will hold their own vibration and allow your loved ones to `hear` and `see` you.
However, my buddy is always reminding me that I have to bear in mind that he is not a performing monkey and will not jump to my commands, so with that said, please have a little patience and whilst you are waiting for signs from Heaven, do try hard to keep your heart, mind and eyes open because to close your mind will block your desire.